Our Opportunities

  • Browsing All Scholarships: Below is a list of all scholarship opportunities within the Boise State Scholarship Application. Please note this list shows all scholarships available, not the scholarships you are being considered for. Automatch scholarships will appear with None listed under the Action column, this means an additional application is not required for consideration. The Deadline column indicates the deadline to complete the application and is not the deadline to accept the award.
  • Automatch Scholarships: Once you complete your General Application, you will be matched with scholarships for which you immediately qualify – no further action is required. If scholarships need additional action they will appear under Recommended within Opportunities. Qualifying does not guarantee you will receive a scholarship.
  • Award Amount: The number and award amount of scholarships are for information purposes only. Actual award amounts vary based on students’ individual eligibility, funds available, and other factors.
  • All scholarships require applicants to have degree-seeking status. Make sure your major is current on your my.BoiseState.
  • Please use this link to view a few tips to help you complete the Boise State Scholarship Application

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Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies Brown-Gibbs Scholarship
The Brown-Gibbs Scholarship In order to be eligible for this scholarship...
Varies Dr. Claude Spinosa President Scholarship in Geological Sciences
The Dr. Claude Spinosa President Scholarship in Geological Sciences is...
Varies Geosciences Department Scholarship
The Geosciences Department Scholarship In order to be eligible for this...
Varies Herman & Helen Steinman Geosciences Memorial Scholarship
The Herman & Helen Steinman Geosciences Memorial Scholarship In order to...
Varies Joni Hadden Memorial Geosciences Faculty & Alumni Scholarship
The Joni Hadden Memorial Geosciences Faculty & Alumni Scholarship In...
Varies Kenneth M. Hollenbaugh Geosciences Scholarship
The Kenneth M. Hollenbaugh Geosciences Scholarship In order to be...
Varies Miles & Elizabeth Young Scholarship
The Miles & Elizabeth Young Scholarship In order to be eligible for this...
Varies Nancy Ives Physical Sciences Scholarship
The Nancy Ives Physical Sciences Scholarship In order to be eligible for...
Up to $10,000 NSF GeoScholars Scholarship
The NSF GeoScholars Scholarship program funded by the National Science...
Varies Silver Dragon Scholarship in Memory of Christopher William Markley
Silver Dragon Scholarship in Memory of Christopher William Markley In...
Varies Thurber Family Scholarship
The Thurber Family Scholarship In order to be eligible for this...