Alumni Legacy Excellence Award
The Alumni Legacy Excellence Award is a one-time award of up to $2,000.00. Eligible candidates must be full-time continuing Boise State students who are at least sophomores in class standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, and who have at least one relative who is a Boise State alumna/us. Four stipends are awarded each spring to students who live in the four defined geographic regions (one per region, based on the location of graduating High School):
- North Idaho/NE Washington: Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, Pend Oreille, Shoshone; Asotin, Garfield, Spokane, Whitman
- East Idaho: Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Bonneville, Butte, Caribou, Clark, Custer, Franklin, Fremont, Jefferson, Lemhi, Madison, Oneida, Power, Teton
- South Central Idaho: Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, Twin Falls
- Treasure Valley: Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Valley, Washington
Scholarship Application Minimum Requirements:
- The relative of the applicant is preferably a parent, step-parent, legal guardian, grandparent, or great-grandparent (rather than an aunt, uncle, sibling, etc.) of an alumna/us of Boise State University, Boise State College, or Boise Junior College
- Applicant must be a relative of an alumna or alumnus of Boise State. (An individual who has completed at least 25 credits qualifies as an alumna/us of Boise State.) Preference will be given to a relative who is a graduate.
- The relative is preferably a current dues-paying member of the Boise State University Alumni Association
- Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 3.5
- Enrolled as a full-time fee-paying student; undergraduate or graduate student
- Completed Essay (no more than 500 words) answering the following: “How have you used Blue Turf Thinking in your life through work, school, or other activities?” For information on Blue Turf thinking, please see
- Resume, please see details below
*Resume: *
With as much detail as possible (there is no page limit), please produce a resume detailing your activities and achievements over the last four years. Be sure to include length of your involvement in each activity (dates and number of hours served), explanations of duties, and leadership roles if applicable. We have provided a template for your use via
You should include the following categories on your resume:
- Academics: We understand and appreciate that not every high school is able to offer multiple AP courses. If you did take AP courses, please list them on your resume. (Your application will not be penalized if you did not take AP courses.)
- Professional/personal growth: Describe formal training you have received (paid or unpaid employment, internships, workshops attended, etc.) or informal experience you have acquired (such as family caregiving or running a blog) that has shaped your interests or identity.
- Community service/ Volunteerism: Explain how you have helped others and what you have done to improve your community. Your community may include, but is not limited to: your school, neighborhood, city, religious organization, or a social identity/special interest group that you belong to. Include specific projects you’ve worked on and what your role was.
- Group participation/leadership: Provide examples of group participation or leadership experience in a team, club, organization, community, etc.
- Other activities: List other special skills, talents, hobbies, or knowledge you have demonstrated outside the classroom. Consider things that show your creativity, your ability to see alternatives or other perspectives, or your willingness to try new things.
- Awards and recognition: Describe awards or recognitions you have received (academics, arts, athletics, community engagement, etc.)
- Award
- Up to $2,000
- Departments / Colleges
- Alumni Association
- Deadline
- 02/24/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- Is your relative currently a dues-paying member of the Boise State University Alumni Association?
- Relative's full name (while at Boise State)
- Current address of relative.
- Did your relative graduate from Boise State University, Boise State College, or Boise Junior College?
- List the year your relative graduated:
- If not a graduate, please list the years attended:
- Please list your relative's phone number:
- Please list your relative's email address:
- Relation to the student.
- Are you a resident of one of the following counties. (Residency in this case is determined by the county in which the high school you graduated from is located.)
- Please attach your completed resume using the template that was provided.
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